Position: Head of the Department of Management, graduate of the Bolashak program.
Academic title: Doctor PhD.
Teaching subjects: «Corporate governance», «Interaction between the state and business», «Management in education».
Research interests: Corporate governance, Entrepreneurship, Neuro-management.
Scientific publications: more than 10 scientific publications, including collections of scientific papers included in the Scopus database.
Peer reviewed journal papers and SCOPUS:
- Satpathy, J, Aithal, P.S., Okeyo, W., Misra, L., Lidija, W., Subramanian, K., Singh, A., Jumabekova R., Chowdhury, D. and Weir, D. (2023). Neuro – Probabilistic Heterodoxian Functionalism in Decision Endoscopy, Bulletin for Technology & History Journal, ISSN No: 0391-6715, Vol. 23, Issue. 06, Pp: 01 – 46, DOI: 10.37326 / bthnlv22.1 /1263, Manuscript ID: BTH / 1734, India (International). (Scopus)
- Satpathy, J, Aithal, P.S., Torben, L., Jumabekova R., Chin, P. N., Lockhart, J., Chowdhury, D., & Misra, L. (2023). Fluid Intelligence in Unpredictability Behaviour, Bulletin for Technology & History Journal, ISSN No: 0391-6715, Vol. 23, Issue. 05, Pp: 368 – 383, DOI: 10.37326 / bthnlv22.1 /1263, Manuscript ID: BTH / 1724, India (International). (Scopus)
- Satpathy, J., Roza, J. Chowdhury, D. and Misra, L. (2023). Complexities in Opthalmic – Based Business Decisions, Roots International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Researches, ISSN: 2349-8684, 09, Issue.04, Pp: 91 – 106, May 2023, Madurai, India (International).
- Saiymova M., Troyanskaya M., Shalgimbayeva K., Babazhanova Zh., Jumabekova R. (2023). The Vector Auto Regression Analysis of the Link between Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Development for Turkey and Kazakhstan, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, ISSN No: 2146-4553, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp.309-315, DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.13998. (Scopus)
- Satpathy, J., Misra, L. and P.S., Roza J. (2023). Ocular – Peep into Entrepreneurial Decisions, International Conference on Connecting Social, Financial and Human Sciences for Sustainable Development, Technical Session No. 4, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India , 05 May 2023, Bhubaneswar, India (International).
- Jumabekova R., Aueshova B. (2022). The role of IT in Activating Anticorruption Potential of Civil Society, International Information and Technology Law Conference organized by Information and Technology Law Society in collaboration with Istanbul Medeniyet University in 19-21 November 2022, Istanbul, Turkey (International).