Position: Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence
Academic title: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor (Associate Professor)
Subjects taught: “Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Criminal procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
Scientific interest: questions about the signs of the objective side of a criminal offense.
1. on the occurrence and implementation of criminal liability.
Formation of an effective mechanism for increasing the competitive potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”. Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference. 2014, pp. 28-32
2. questions about the signs of the objective side of the criminal offense. Science and life of Kazakhstan. No.6, 2020, pp. 65-70
3. Childhood Legal Protection in Kazakhstan by Nurlan Apakhayev, Kultay Adilova, Dina Bugybay, Gulyiya Mukaldyeva, Gulzhan N. Mukhamadiyeva, and Bakhytkali M. Koshpenbetov … 714. Summer 2017 Volume VIII, Issue 3(25) ISSN: 2068-696X Journal’s DOI: https://doi.org/10.14505/jarle