Tanalinova Ayman Urishbaevna
Position: Acting Associate Professor of the Department of “Jurisprudence”
Academic degree: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Theory of State and law, Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Research interests: gender equality, inclusive education
1. Teacher training in inclusive education. – Materials of inter-dunar. scientific-practical. conf. “Modern psychology and pedagogy: problems and solutions”. – Novosibirsk, 2020. – pp. 6-10.
2. The current state and prospects for the development of gender policy in Kazakhstan. – Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Experimental and theoretical research in modern science”. – Novosibirsk, 2020. – pp. 110-114.
3. The legal status of women in Kazakhstan in the second half of the XVIII century. – International popular science magazine “Science and Life of Kazakhstan” No. 2(1). – Almaty, 2020 – pp. 201-206
4. Some aspects of the legal regulation of domestic violence against women. – International popular science magazine “Science and life of the Kazakh people” No.2(1). – Almaty, 2020 – pp. 132-136