Tazhieva Indira Targynovna
Position: Professor assistant, department of “Management”.
Academic title: master «Economics»
Subject taught: “State and local government”, “Regional economy and management”, “Introduction to research”, “Corporate management”, “State management of external economic activities”, “State anti-crisis policy and risk management”, “Social policy”, “Innovative managemen”.
Scientific interests: Efficiency of personnel training for agricultural production.
Scientific publications:
1Analysis of the asymmetric relationship between oil prices and real effective exchange rate in kazakhstan.(Scopus) International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy(Scopus) ISSN:21464553 2022, Scopus Q-1
Mangystau obylysyny zhumyssyzdyk money. XI Khalykaralyk gylymi tazhiribelik conference materials. Sweden, 2019.
2023 mamyr “Financial and credit policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Orleu Oku Ondiristik ortalygy.
2022 “Startup Academy” This is an international technopark of IT startups Astana hub.
There are publications in the cited journals of the Scopus database on the topic: Analysis of the Asymmetric Relationship between Oil Prices and Real Effective Exchange Rate in Kazakhstan. Participated in research projects on the topic: “AP23489483 Economic efficiency of introducing innovative technology for processing seaweed into organic fertilizers for sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex”, Monograph on the topic “Development of a model of the human resources management (HRM) system of government agencies based on the ecosystem approach”.