Yerkulova Gulmira Serikovna
Position: Acting Associate Professor of the department of “Management”
Academic title: candidate of economic sciences
Subjects taught: “Management”, “HR management”, “Corporate management”, “Team building and leadership”, “Change and innovation management”.
Research interests: Organizational and economic aspects of the personnel management system in oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Features and development trends of financing of transport and logistics infrastructure in Kazakhstan // Scientific and practical journal “State Audit” No. 4 (45)
- The current state of affairs with regard to the effective management of human capital in agricultural enterprises Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 2018, 13 (4).
- Reputation Management in the healthcare system and lts lmpact fqr sustainable development journal of s environmertal Management and Tourism. V 12/1 (49)/04, 2021
- Diversification of the regional economy\\ Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 5 (405) September-October 2023
- Current trends in income inequality of the population of Kazakhstan\\ BULLETIN of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, 2024 ‒ No. 1 (54)
- The Influence of Green Credit Policy on Green Innovation and Transformation and Upgradation as a Function of Corporate Diversification: The Case of Kazakhstan\\ Economies Economies is an international, scholarly, open access journal of development economics and macroeconomics, published monthly online by MDPI. ISSN: 2227-7099
- Strategic Management of Sustainable Development of Companies\\ Montenegrin Journal of Economics, ELIT Economic Laboratory Transition Research Podgorica
- Evaluating the Impact of Renewable Energy Policy Instruments on Capacity Expansion: Insights from the Visegrad Group Countries\\ International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2024, 14(2)
- Corporate governance and its role in the transformation of the company\\ E3 S Web of Conferences 449, 05012 (2023) 10. Transformation of banks’ business models in the context of ensuring the security of the banking system in Kazakhstan\\ Bulletin of Toraigyrov University, ISSN 2710-3552 Economic series. No. 3. 2024