Zhailaubaeva Zhadra Allamratovna
Position: Senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Finance.а doctoral student of Economics.
Academic title: Master of Economic Sciences
Subject taught: “Economic theory”, “Enterprise economics”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Microeconomics”, “Analysis of enterprise activity”, “Investment activity of an enterprise”, “Introduction to research”, “Fundamentals of Business Analytics”, «World Economy»
Research Interests: Study of regional economic development issues, including the development of entrepreneurship in regions. Government support for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan. Economic sustainability of entrepreneurial structures in the context of green technology development.
2019 – “The development potential of small businesses in agricultural production in Kazakhstan.” Scientific and practical journal “Mining and Agriculture”, Dagestan.
2019 – State support for small businesses in the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan” – scientific journal “Issues of the Agrarian Market”,
2020 – “Efficiency of small businesses in agricultural production in Kazakhstan: experience and problems.” Scientific and practical journal “Mining and Agriculture”, Dagestan2020 – «Production and processing efficiency of commodity fish farming products». Вестник University of Turan, scientific journal
2020 – “Kazakhstan Kyzylorda oblysynyn agroenkerkasiptik keshenin damytudagy farmerlik sharuashylyktardyn roli.” Scientific journal “Problems of the agricultural market”
2023 – “Socio-economic assessment of the introduction of water wells through an innovative approach to the problem of drought.” Vestnik.University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov
2024: “The Role and Place of Green Technologies in Modern Economic Development.” IAAR, Astana.
2024: “Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: The Key to Sustainable Business Development.” IAAR, Astana.