Taskaraeva Mayra Bakybayeva
Position: Senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Finance., PHD doctoral student D070 Economics
Academic title: Master of Management, Winner of the Bolashak International Scholarship, 2021
Scientific internship:
– Internationalization of higher education: Partnership between the USA and Kazakhstan” (Pavlodar, in English), 2021
– Seminar-training “entrepreneurship” (IOWA University, USA), 2021
– Michigan State University, USA. Internship, pedagogical innovations for university teachers, 2022-2023
The subject taught: “Entrepreneurship”, “Enterprise activity planning”, “Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship”, “Modern Economic Policy”.
Scientific interests: Diversification of the regional economy, problems of social and economic development of the region
Scientific publications:
Economic analysis of the effectiveness of the development of small and medium–sized enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan//materials of the international scientific and practical conference within the framework of the Yessenov Forum “University-zone of thought” Volume II November 8, 2019
Development of a system of retraining and advanced training of personnel for small and medium-sized businesses at the regional level// YESSENOV SCIENCE JOURNAL No. 1 (35)-2019
Diversification of the regional economy as a socio-economic instrument of its industrial development, Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2023