Salkynbaeva Fatima Davitbaevna
Position: Senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Finance., PhD PhD student
Academic title: Master of Economic Sciences
Subject taught: “Economic theory”, “Microeconomics”, “Entrepreneurship”
Scientific interests:. Assessing the relevance of scientific areas that contribute to the economic, social or spiritual progress of society.
Scientific works: 2019- Features of using the business-case study method in the educational process. // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference within the Yessenov Forum “University-Territory of Meanings”
2022 – “Problems of the social protection system in Kazakhstan and ways to solve them” // Scientific and practical conference “Scientific renewal: personal heritage.” Yessenov University.
2022-Organizational and economic mechanisms for the formation of entrepreneurial thinking among youth” // International scientific-experimental journal XVIII-Global science and innovations of Central Asia.
2023- Development of entrepreneurship as a basis for solving problems of youth unemployment V International Scientific Conference on Economics and Management, Baku, June. 2023, p. 498