Kizimbayeva Azhar
Position: Associate Professor (Associate Professor) of the Department of Economics and Finance Professor
Academic title: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Subjects taught: “State and local government and self-government”, “Ethics of business”, “Management analysis and forecasting”, “Theory and practice of government”.
Research interests: Problems and development trends: Small and medium business
“The situation of food security in Kazakhstan. Space And Culture” India 07/2019. JOURNAL Elsevier B.V
“The situation of food security in Kazakhstan”, Journal Space and Culture, India 7(1) 2019.
“Sustainable development of economy via socially oriented activities”. Journal of security and sustainability issues International Entrepreneurial Perspectives and Innovative Outcomes. Volume 9 Number 4 June 2020, p. 1405-1419
“Influence of Environmental Factors and Impact on Financing Innovation of SMEs”, Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, v. 12, no. 5, p. 1248-1262, Sep. 2021
“Image and ethics of the civil servant of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Russia. 63rd International Scientific Conference of AGTU dedicated to the 25th anniversary of AGTU, April 22-26, 2019.