Bekbergenova Zhuldyz Tulegenovna
Position: Senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Finance.
Academic title: Master of Economics
Subject taught: “Macroeconomics”, “transport economics”, “economics of Natural Resources”, “Entrepreneurship”, “analysis of human capital”.
Scientific interests: Human capital in the development of Kazakhstan and the world economy.
Scientific publications:
“Foreign experience in Human Resource Management” -” Internauca”: scientific journal – No. 8(231). Part 3. Moscow, -2022
“Directions for improving the Human Resource Management System “- XXIX international Multidisciplinary Conference”Recent Scientific Investigation”. Proceedings of the Conference (February, 2022).
Primedia E-launch LLC, Shawnee, USA. 2022.
“Social projects and their effectiveness in Mangystau region” – “Young Scientist” – international scientific journal, No. 16 (411) / 2022
Research project on the topic: “Human capital and its resources in the Mangystau region” 2022-2023.