Yesturlyieva Aigul Iklasovna
Position: Head of the Department” economics and Finance”, Associate Professor (Associate Professor), Professor.
Subject taught: “Macroeconomics”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Business planning of innovative projects”, “Franchise strategy for business development”.
Scientific interests: Social entrepreneurship, environmental and economic assessment of natural resources, socio-economic development of the region.
Scientific publications:
1.(Scopus) Programmed – Aimed Approach to Sustainable Development Management: Regional Experience(Scopus) ISSN: 20687729 2018 Volume IX Issue 1(25)
(Scopus) Analysis and Evaluation of Environmental Management (Scopus) Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 9(1), с. 167-174, ISSN: 20687729.IX Issue 1(25) Spring 2018
(Scopus) The Main Directions of Development of the Higher Education Management System in the Republic of Kazakhstan Fall 2017 Volume VIII, Issue 6(28) ISSN: 2068-696X Journal’s DOI: https://doi.org/10.14505/jarle
4.Comparative Analysis of the Development Areas of Environmental Audit in International Practice and in the Republic of Kazakhstan–Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 2023г
Several articles in the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science; About 25 international scientific articles
Ten scientific research works in the national center for scientific and technological research
Two textbooks of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council; three teaching aids; four collective monographs; three author’s monographs, nine educational and methodological recommendations; two electronic textbooks.