Saimagambetova Gauhar Amangeldievna, Head of the department of “Management”

Saimagambetova Gauhar Amangeldievna

+7 (7292)788-788(288)

Position: Head of the Department of Management, Associate Professor, Grant holder of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “The best university teacher” -2009.
Academic title: candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
Subjects taught:  «Leadership and organizational behavior», «Management in education», «Strategic management», «Management of socio-economic development of the territory».
Research interests: Socio-economic development of the region, efficiency of development of oil potential.                                                                                             Publications:
has more than 40 scientific publications, including those published in scientific publications, collections of scientific works recommended by KOKSON RK, scientific and practical journals included in the Scopus database.

  1. «The situation of food security in Kazakhstan», Journal Space and Culture, India, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019
  2. Financing the development of human capital and the efficiency of the economy of Kazakhstan: analysis of the relationship, International Journal of Business Information Systems42(2), 2023
  3. Strategic Management of Sustainable Development of Companies, Montenegrin Journal of Economics20(3)
  4. 2024
  5. Improvement of indicators of socio-economic development of the regions of Kazakhstan, E3S Web of Conferences2023
  6. Impact of expenses on human capital on the economic growth of the country: case study of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deturope12(2), 2020
  7. Textbooks “Organization and planning of production”, “Social policy of the region”, “Interaction of the state and business”, “Strategic management”, monographs have been published.

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