Auyeshova Bagdat Tlectesovna
Position: Head of the Department of «Jurisprudence», holder of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «The best university teacher» -2022.
Academic title: Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor (Associate Professor) MES RK
Subjects taught: «Constitutional Law», «Theory of State and law».
Research interests: Actual problems of human rights and citizens in a state governed by the rule of law
- Мемлекеттік қызметтегі қызметкерлерді ынталандырудың шетелдік тәжірибесі. Наука и жизнь Казахстана -2018. №4 (60). – С.50-53
- legal aspects in formation of status of state officials it the RK and EU public administration systems International Journal of Rublic Law and Policy. 2019.6(2) C.99- 115
- An agreement as a legal mechanism regulating property and non-property relations within a family Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory lssues. Volume 24. Issue 1,2021.
- The right of veto: International experience, problems and prospects of application Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences. 42 (2021) journal homepage: http://kjss.kasetsart.org.
- The role of state ideology in the formation of legal consciousness Materials of the International Conference.“Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” – Reports in English.May 29-30, 2018. C.123-129 (Beijing, PRC).
- Law ideology of the teacher as an element of legal life of society Материалы 63-ой Международной научной конференций Астраханского Государственного Технического Университета, посвященная 25-летию Астраханского Государственного Технического Университета 22–26 апреля 2019.С.1-5 (Астрахань).