Abilsheeva Rysgul Koishygulovna
Occupation: dean of faculty
Academic degree, titles: Candidate of Legal Sciences, associate professor. EMBA (YU). Scholar of the of the presidential program “Bolashak”
Subjects taught: Theory of state & law, Labor law.
Area of scientific research: institutions of customary law, the right to freedom of speech
Scientific publications:
1) Legal aspects in formation of status of state officials in the RK and EU public administration systems // International Journal of Public Law and Policy. Vol. 6 (2). – 2019. P. 99-115.
2) Problems of administrative law in the system of public administration // International Journal of Law and Management. Vol. 60 (6). – 2018. P. 1255–1271
3) Problems of legal regulations of relations in the sphere of the electronic document flow // International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics. Vol. 12 (3). – 2020. P. 302–322